
Here we will attempt to keep an up-to-date listing of the papers which either use pyPRISM or discuss the tool itself. Please let us know if we are missing any paper by filing an Issue.

pyPRISM Tool Papers

  1. Martin, T.B.; Gartner, T.E. III; Jones, R.L.; Snyder, C.R.; Jayaraman, A.; pyPRISM: A Computational Tool for Liquid State Theory Calculations of Macromolecular Materials, Macromolecules, 2018, 51 (8), p2906-2922 [link]
  2. Martin, T.B.; Gartner, T.E. III; Jones, R.L.; Snyder, C.R.; Jayaraman, A.; Design and Implementation of pyPRISM: A Polymer Liquid-State Theory Framework, Proc. of the 17th Python in Science Conf. (Scipy 2018) (In Submission)

Studies Using pyPRISM

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