Source code for pyPRISM.core.ValueTable

from pyPRISM.core.Table import Table
import numpy as np

[docs]class ValueTable(Table): '''Container for data that is keyed by types **Description** The goal of this class is to provide a simple inteface for setting and storing parameters that are accessed and identified by types. This is typically site properties, e.g. density, site diameter. By default the value for all types is set to `None` and therefore can be checked to see if the table has been fully specified. Setter/getter methods have been create to set groups of types simultaneously. This allows for the rapid construction of datasets where many of the parameters are repeTated. Note that, unlike the :class:`pyPRISM.core.MatrixArray`, this container is not meant to be used for mathematics. The benefit of this is that, for each type, it can contain any arbitrary number, string, or Python object. See the example below and the `pyPRISM Internals` section of the :ref:`tutorial` for more information. Example ------- .. code-block:: python import pyPRISM VT = pyPRISM.ValueTable(['A','B','C','D','E'],name='density') # set the value for type A to be 0.25 VT['A'] = 0.25 # set the value for types B & C to be 0.35 VT[ ['B','C'] ] = 0.35 # set all other values to be 0.1 VT.setUnset(0.1) for i,t,v in VT: print('{}) {} for type {} is {}'.format(i,,t,v)) # The above loop prints the following: # 0) density for type A is 0.25 # 1) density for type B is 0.35 # 2) density for type C is 0.35 # 3) density for type D is 0.1 # 4) density for type E is 0.1 '''
[docs] def __init__(self,types,name): r'''Constructor Arguments --------- types: list Lists of the types that will be used to key the ValueTable. The length of this list should be equal to the rank of the PRISM problem to be solved i.e. len(types) == number of sites in system. name: string The name of the ValueTable. Currently, this is simply used as a convencience for identifying the table internally. ''' self.types = types = name self.values = {t:None for t in types}
def __repr__(self): return '<ValueTable: {}>'.format(
[docs] def __iter__(self): '''Data iterator This magic-method allows for ValueTables to be iterated over via `for x in y` constructs like .. code-block:: python for index,type,value in ValueTable: print(index,type,value) Yields ------ index: int index of value type: type of value value: stored value at this type ''' for i,t in enumerate(self.types): yield i,t,self.values[t]
def __getitem__(self,index): t = index return self.values[t] def __setitem__(self,index,value): types1 = index for t in self.listify(types1): self.values[t] = value
[docs] def check(self): '''Is everything in the table set? Raises ------ *ValueError* if all values are not set ''' for i,t,val in self: if val is None: raise ValueError('ValueTable {} is not fully specified!'.format(
[docs] def setUnset(self,value): '''Set all values that have not been specified to a value Arguments --------- value: Any valid python object (number, list, array, etc) can be passed in as a value for all unset fields. ''' for i,t,v in self: if v is None: self[t] = value