Source code for

from __future__ import division,print_function
from import Omega
import numpy as np
from math import exp,sin,cos,sqrt
from scipy.optimize import root

[docs]class DiscreteKoyama(Omega): r'''Semi-flexible Koyama-based intra-molecular correlation function **Mathematial Definition** .. math:: \hat{\omega}(k) = \frac{\sin(Bk)}{Bk}\exp(-A^2k^2) .. math:: A^2 = \frac{\langle r_{\alpha,\beta}^2 \rangle (1-C)}{6} .. math:: B^2 = C \langle r_{\alpha,\beta}^2 \rangle .. math:: C^2 = \frac{1}{2}\left(5-3\frac{ \langle r_{\alpha,\beta}^4 \rangle}{ \langle r_{\alpha,\beta}^2 \rangle}\right) **Variable Definitions** - :math:`\hat{\omega}(k)` *intra*-molecular correlation function at wavenumber :math:`k` - :math:`\langle r_{\alpha,\beta}^2 \rangle` second moment of the distance distribution between sites :math:`\alpha` and :math:`\beta`. Please see equation (17) of the Reference [1] cited below for the mathematical representation. - :math:`\langle r_{\alpha,\beta}^4 \rangle` fourth moment of the distance distribution between sites :math:`\alpha` and :math:`\beta`. Please see equations (18-24) of the reference cited below for the mathematical representation. **Description** The discrete Koyama :math:`\hat{\omega}(k)` was developed to represent a wormlike chain with semiflexibility. This scheme interpolates between the rigid-rod and the Gaussian chain limits to represent a chain with a given persistence length. This form for :math:`\hat{\omega}(k)` has been shown to match the structure of molecular dynamics simulations of Kremer-Grest style bead-spring polymer models. References ---------- #. Honnell, K.G., J.G. Curro, and K.S. Schweizer, LOCAL-STRUCTURE OF SEMIFLEXIBLE POLYMER MELTS. Macromolecules, 1990. 23(14): p. 3496-3505. [`link <>`__] Example ------- .. code-block:: python import pyPRISM import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #calculate Fourier space domain and omega values domain = pyPRISM.domain(dr=0.1,length=1000) omega =,l=1.0,length=100,lp=1.43) x = domain.k y = omega.calculate(x) #plot the results using matplotlib plt.plot(x,y) plt.gca().set_xscale("log", nonposx='clip') plt.gca().set_yscale("log", nonposy='clip') #define a PRISM system and set omega(k) for type A sys = pyPRISM.System(['A','B'],kT=1.0) sys.domain = pyPRISM.Domain(dr=0.1,length=1024)['A','A'] =,l=1.0,length=100,lp=1.43) '''
[docs] def __init__(self,sigma,l,length,lp): r'''Constructor Arguments --------- sigma: float contact distance between sites (i.e. site diameter) l: float bond length length: float number of monomers/sites in the chain lp: float persistence length of chain ''' self.sigma = sigma self.length = int(length) self.l = l self.lp = lp self.cos0 = 1 - sigma*sigma/(2.0 * l * l) self.value = None if self.l > self.sigma/2.0: self.lp_min = (4.0*self.l**3)/(4.0*self.l**2-self.sigma**2) else: raise ValueError("Values of l <= sigma/2 are not allowed as this generates overlaps " \ "between sites separated by two bonds.") if self.lp<self.lp_min: raise ValueError("For l={} and sigma={} the minimum valid lp={}, otherwise overlaps " \ "between sites separated by two bonds will occur.".format(self.l, self.sigma, self.lp_min)) #If lp is close to the minimum (freely jointed limit) the solver has #issues finding the bending energy due to the divergence in Eqn. 23 of #the above mentioned reference. #This uses a linearization approximation if the minimum is approached. #A tolerance of 0.001 seems good. elif (self.lp - self.lp_min)/self.lp_min < 0.001: self.cos1 = l/lp - 1.0 self.epsilon = 6.0*(self.cos0-1.0-2.0*self.cos1)/(1.0+self.cos0)**2 self.cos2 = ( (1.0/3.0)*(1.0+(self.cos0-1.0)*self.cos0) - (1.0/12.0)*((self.cos0-1.0)*(1.0+self.cos0)**2)*self.epsilon ) #Actually solve the non-linear equation for the bending energy when far enough #away from the freely jointed limit. else: self.cos1 = l/lp - 1 funk = lambda e: self.cos_avg(e) - self.cos1 result = root(funk, 0.5) if result.success != True: raise ValueError('DiscreteKoyama initialization failure. Could not solve for bending energy.') self.epsilon = result.x self.cos2 = self.cos_sq_avg(self.epsilon)
[docs] def cos_avg(self,epsilon): '''First moment of bond angle distribution''' e = epsilon cos0 = self.cos0 return 1/e - ( exp(e) + cos0*exp(-e*cos0) )/( exp(e) - exp(-e*cos0) )
[docs] def cos_sq_avg(self,epsilon): '''Second moment of bond angle distribution''' e = epsilon cos0 = self.cos0 cos1 = self.cos_avg(epsilon) return (2/e)*cos1 + ( exp(e) - cos0*cos0*exp(-e*cos0) )/( exp(e) - exp(-e*cos0) )
[docs] def kernel_base(self,n): ''' Calculates the second and fourth moments of the site separate distance distributions .. note:: See Equation 18 in Reference [1] for more details. Arguments --------- n: int Integer separation distance along chain. ''' l = self.l q = -self.cos1 p = (3*self.cos2 - 1)/2 D = n * n * ((1 + q)/(1 - q))**(2.0) D -= n*(1 + (2*q/(1-q)**(3.0)) * (6 + 5*q + 3*q*q) - 4*p/(1-p)*((1 + q)/(1 - q))**(2.0)) D += 2*q/(1-q)**(4.0) * (4 + 11*q + 12*q*q) D -= 4*p/(1-p) * (1 + 8*q/(1-q)**(3.0) + p/(1-p)*((1 + q)/(1 - q))**(2.0)) D -= q**(n) * 8*q/(1-q)**(3.0) * (n*(1 + 3*q)) D -= q**(n) * 8*q/(1-q)**(3.0) * ((1 + 2*q + 3*q*q)/(1-q)) D -= q**(n) * 8*q/(1-q)**(3.0) * (-2*p/(q-p)**(2.0) *(n*(1-q)*(q-p)+2*q*q-q*p-p)) D -= 6*q**(2*n+2)/(1-q)**(4.0) D += p**(n) * (4/(1-p) * (1 + 8*q/(1-q)**(3.0) - ((1+q)/(1-q))**2.0 * (1 - p/(1-p)) )) D -= p**(n) * (16*q*q/(1-q)**(3.0) * (1/(q-p)**(2.0))*(q+q*q-2*p)) D *= 2/3 r2 = n*l*l*((1-self.cos1)/(1+self.cos1) + 2*self.cos1/n * (1-(-self.cos1)**(n))/(1 + self.cos1)**(2.0)) r4 = r2*r2 + l*l*l*l*D return r2,r4
[docs] def koyama_kernel_fourier(self,k,n): '''Kernel for calculating omega in Fourier-Space .. note:: See Equation 16 in Reference [1] for more details. Arguments --------- k: np.ndarray, float array of wavenumber values to calculate :math:`\omega` at n: int Integer separation distance along chain. ''' r2,r4 = self.kernel_base(n) try: C = sqrt(0.5 * (5 - 3*r4/(r2*r2))) B = sqrt(C*r2) Asq = r2*(1-C)/6 #taking the square root results in many domain errors except ValueError as e: raise ValueError('Bad chain parameters. (Try reducing epsilon)') return np.sin(B*k)/(B*k) * np.exp(-Asq*k*k)
[docs] def koyama_kernel_real(self,r,n): '''Kernel for calculating omega in Real-Space .. note:: See Equation 12 in Reference [1] for more details. Arguments --------- r: np.ndarray, float array of real-space positions to calculate :math:`\omega` at n: int Integer separation distance along chain. ''' r2,r4 = self.kernel_base(n) try: C = sqrt(0.5 * (5 - 3*r4/(r2*r2))) B = sqrt(C*r2) Asq = r2*(1-C)/6 #taking the square root results in many domain errors except ValueError as e: raise ValueError('Bad chain parameters. (Try reducing epsilon)') omega_ag = (1.0/(8*np.pi**(3.0/2.0)*np.sqrt(Asq)*B*r))*(np.exp(-(r-B)**2.0/(4.0*Asq))-np.exp(-(r+B)**2.0/(4.0*Asq))) return omega_ag
[docs] def density_correction_kernel(self,r): '''Correction for density due to non-physical overlaps .. note:: See Equation 28 in Reference [1] for more details. Arguments --------- r: np.ndarray, float array of real-space positions to calculate :math:`\omega` at ''' factor1 = np.pi*self.sigma**(3.0)*(1-3.0*r/(2.0*self.sigma)+r**(3.0)/(2.0*self.sigma**3.0))/6.0 factor2 = np.zeros_like(r) for i in range(1,self.length-1): for j in range(i+2,self.length+1): n = abs(i - j) factor2 += self.koyama_kernel_real(r=r,n=n) factor3 = 4.0*np.pi*r**2.0 return factor1*factor2*factor3
[docs] def density_correction(self,npts=1000): '''Correction for density due to non-physical overlaps .. note:: See Equation 28 in Reference [1] for more details. Arguments --------- npts: int number of points to use in numerical integral ''' r = np.linspace(0.0001,self.sigma,npts) integral = np.trapz(self.density_correction_kernel(r),r) delta_N = integral/(self.length*np.pi*self.sigma**3.0/6.0) return delta_N
def __repr__(self): return '<Omega: Koyama>'
[docs] def calculate(self,k): '''Return value of :math:`\hat{\omega}` at supplied :math:`k` Arguments --------- k: np.ndarray, float array of wavenumber values to calculate :math:`\omega` at ''' self.value = np.zeros_like(k) for i in range(1,self.length-1): for j in range(i+1,self.length): n = abs(i - j) self.value += self.koyama_kernel_fourier(k=k,n=n) self.value *= 2/self.length self.value += 1.0 return self.value