Manual Command-Line Install

If the quick-install commands do not work, then you can install pyPRISM “manually”. After downloading the repository from GitHub, follow the steps below.


Unless specified explicitly, the commands below should work for Linux, macOS, and Windows.


For windows users, please ensure you are using the Anaconda command prompt. This can be found by opening the Start menu and searching for Anaconda.

Step 1: Dependencies via Anaconda

The easiest way to get an environment set up is by using the env/py2.yml or env/py3.yml we have provided for a python2 or python3 based environment. We recommend the python3 version. If you don’t already have it, install conda. Note that all of the below instructions can be executed via the anaconda-navigator GUI. To start, we’ll make sure you have the latest version of conda.

> conda deactivate

> conda update anaconda

Now create the pyPRISM_py3 environment by executing the following. Note that these commands assume your terminal is located in the base directory of the pyPRISM repository (i.e., the directory with “”):

> conda env create -f env/py3.yml

When installation is complete you must activate the environment.

(Windows)   > activate pyPRISM_py3
(macOS/Linux) $ source activate pyPRISM_py3

Later, when you are ready to exit the environment, you can type:

(Windows)   > deactivate
(macOS/Linux) $ source deactivate

If for some reason you want to remove the environment entirely, you can do so by writing:

> conda env remove --name pyPRISM_py3

Note that an environment which satisfies the above dependencies must be active every time you wish to use pyPRISM via script or notebook. If you open a new terminal, you will have to reactivate the conda environment before running a script or starting jupyter notebook.

See Dependencies for more information.

Step 2: Install pyPRISM

After the depdendencies are satisfied and/or the conda environment is created and activated, pyPRISM can be installed to the system by running:

$ cd <pyPRISM base directory>

$ python install